TC American

TC/American Crane Company, the market leader in the design and supply of underhung cranes and monorail systems using “patented track”. Patented track is the industry generic term for engineered, composite beams that feature unique, uniform lower riding flange regardless of beam depth or capacity.

TC/Amercan Crane Company designs and manufactures:

Standard patented track rail in 5 different tread widths and thicknesses
Standard patented track in lengths up to 60′ long
Customized patented track rail in lengths up to 90′ long
Standard trolleys
Standard Crane and Runway Systems — capacities from 500 pounds to 20 ton
Customized Crane and Runway Systems — capacities up to 40 ton
Standard Single Girder and Double Girder Cranes — capacities up to 20 ton
Customized Single Girder and Double Girder Cranes for operation on multiple runways
Customized Truss Cranes for long span applications — capacities up to 15 ton
Customized cranes with rotating bridge beam section
Standard monorail systems — capacities from 250 pounds to 20 ton
Customized monorail systems — capacities up to 40 ton
Customized switches and curves to meet almost any layout configuration
Customized monorail lift sections, scale sections, rotating sections, track openers for fire doors and telescoping rail beams
Standard 2-wheel, 4-wheel and 8-wheel trolleys with capacities up to 30,000 pounds, in flanged wheel or flangeless wheel design
Motorized trolleys for crane and carrier propulsion, using direct drive to a pair of trolley wheels
Motorized drive tractors for crane and carrier propulsion, using polyurethane or rubber drive tires pressed against the underside of the rail tread
Customized monorail hoist or tooling carriers — capacities up to 40 ton
Interlocking crane and monorail systems
Custom built material handling equipment (gantry cranes, jet engine handling cranes and monorails, dipping cranes, roll handling cranes, stacker cranes, cranes with inspection and work platforms, etc.)

TC/American specializes in underhung cranes and monorail systems for aerospace, aircraft maintenance, heavy material handling, agricultural equipment, laundries, machine shops, boat yards, automotive manufacturers, and wherever demanding applications require the best underhung cranes and monorail systems.

11110 Industrial Circle NW Suite A

International Phone: +1 763 497 7000

New Issue

ILH September 2024

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