CPA installs fall protection at aerospace facility

Casper, Phillips & Associates Inc (CPA) has designed and installed a bespoke fall protection system for a large commercial aeroplane supplier. CPA was contracted to integrate it with 67 separate bridge cranes that vary in capacity from 34 to 40USt and cover three million square feet. The galvanized chain-link (ASTM A392-07) installation allows crane operators […]

04/01/2022 - 13:22 pm

Porta Gantries provide portable solution to falls from height risk

When the UK’s Health and Safety Exeutive (HSE) released its latest fatal accident figures in July, falls from height were once again the single biggest cause of workplace deaths in the UK (up 4% at 29%), and accounted for 8% of all workplace injuries. What is significant in these figures isn’t the headline numbers though […]

14/09/2020 - 18:31 pm

Fall arrest system for safety in rail maintenance

Working at heights is deemed by many organizations as a high-risk work activity. This is very evident at Queensland Rail (QR) maintenance workshops where workers regularly need to access areas at heights while undertaking service and maintenance activities on the fleet of QR track machines. With a strong internal safety culture where ‘Safety Comes First. […]

07/06/2019 - 13:40 pm

New Issue

ILH March 2025

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