AWRF names Caldwell’s Ferchen to board

Associated Wire Rope Fabricators (AWRF) has named The Caldwell Group Inc’s director of business development Jeff Ferchen to the board of directors. It represents a return to the AWRF board for Ferchen, who previously served from 2015 to 2017. AWRF serves the lifting, rigging, and load securement industry by advancing interests common among its member […]

05/12/2022 - 16:14 pm

Caldwell adds Ferchen and Sympson to the team

The Caldwell Group has named Jeff Ferchen as director  business development and Lisa Sympson as marketing manager. The appointments chime with the company’s wider endeavours to further enhance overall customer experience, which is a focal point for Ferchen especially, who will also oversee inside sales and engineering activities. Sympson, meanwhile, aims to strengthen the company’s […]

15/03/2022 - 16:41 pm

New Issue

ILH March 2025

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