LEEA holds 2020 AGM on Zoom

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) held its AGM on the Zoom platform for the first time ever on Tuesday 22 September. It was joined by 80 members and received proxy votes or apologies from a further 170. The LEEA AGM retains its vital role of conducting the formal business that is essential to a […]

29/09/2020 - 15:00 pm
LEEA Think Lifting School Lesson
News  >  Events

LEEA to launch Think Lifting Lesson

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) will launch the Think Lifting School Lesson, in association with Lift and Hoist International (LHI) magazine, during a special announcement from CEO Ross Moloney on Zoom at 10am GMT on Tuesday 29 September 2020.  This ‘ready to use’ lesson includes films, content, experiments and hand-outs, designed as a toolkit […]

25/09/2020 - 09:27 am

Zooming back to school  

When the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic struck, people diligently followed lockdown conditions and got to grips with a world turned upside down. Homebound work, shopping, teaching and even entertainment regimes were quickly established, and we soon found communications technology to be a tremendous enabler in getting through the COVID era – Zoom, Whatsapp, Microsoft Teams, Skype, […]

03/09/2020 - 08:35 am
News  >  Events

GLAD for a successful celebration of lifting

The first Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD), which took place on 9 July had the lifting industry taking to social media in-force. The day was all about getting the whole industry and the associated supply chains to recognise the importance of high standards in lifting, the significance of quality and how to ensure lifting best […]

21/07/2020 - 13:25 pm

The war not yet won

Our challenge is an eternal one.  The wrestle with gravity. It was here before us, and it will outlive all of us.   I feel a burden of responsibility heading up our 75 year old association. As well as to the current and future membership, the initial aspirations of LEEA’s Founding Fathers weighs heavily on […]

14/07/2020 - 16:00 pm

Boxing clever

Ross Moloney CEO of the Lifting Equipment Engineeris Association (LEEA) recommends being light on your feet and adapting plans quickly when circumstances change. What a surprise to be asked to write something about leadership.  This either means that I’m doing something right, or instead something very wrong, and there’s a hint of irony in the […]

06/05/2020 - 20:07 pm

E-learning to mitigate Coronavirus disruption

Countries are ramping up efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, described this week by the World Health Organisation as a pandemic. It is clear that globally, growing numbers will be self-isolating, with educational establishments closing and companies –¬ including many in the lifting sector – asking employees to work from home as part […]

17/03/2020 - 13:07 pm
News  >  Events

LiftEx international brand expansion to start in Bahrain

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is rolling out LiftEx events in 2020.  As well as holding LiftEx in Liverpool, LEEA is hosting two further events in 2020.  Under the patronage of Bahrain’s Ministry of Labor, LEEA will be holding its inaugural LiftEx Middle East at the Gulf Hotel and Convention Centre, Building 11, Rd […]

25/02/2020 - 14:48 pm

Greater awareness needed on one trip slings

A general lack of understanding over ‘one trip’ and low quality slings is threatening safety in the construction, timber and steel sectors as well as in ports and docks, warns Dave Cormack, board member of The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA). The term ‘One Trip Sling’ is given to a sling that has been designed […]

03/12/2019 - 15:34 pm
News  >  Events

2019 Winners of LEEA Awards

The winners of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) Awards were announced at a dinner on the on the evening of 13 November during the LiftEx exhibition in Milton Keynes. Throughout the evening LEEA CEO Ross Moloney and guest speaker, TV presenter Rachel Riley entertained 250 guests from the lifting industry. Ross Moloney said, “Congratulations […]

19/11/2019 - 13:08 pm

New Issue

ILH March 2025

In this month's issue