Modulift HS2

Modulift delivers custom 25t lifting frames for High Speed 2 

Modulift have designed, manufactured and delivered two custom lifting frames for the High Speed 2 (HS2) project in just six weeks.   Their team of engineers were asked to provide a bespoke lifting solution that would lift high speed railcar panels in two separate locations. The first lifting frame is being used at Southampton Docks […]

03/12/2020 - 15:54 pm
Lifting Equipment Store USA

Lifting Equipment Store launches in the USA 

UK market leader Lifting Equipment Store, has announced its international expansion into the United States.  In response to the changing demands created by the realities of COVID-19 the core focus of the new US base will be on newly automated service provision, supported by outstanding customer service. Part of the Kingsway Corporation Group, Lifting Equipment […]

24/09/2020 - 17:10 pm

New Issue

ILH March 2025

In this month's issue