Workplace safety – the wider benefits

Martin McVicar managing director of Combilift outlines the importance of developing a safety culture and choosing the correct equipment in modern warehousing and manufacturing facilities. Ensuring the safest possible working environment doesn’t just mean adhering to statutory guidelines; creating and promoting a safety strategy across the workforce encourages a culture of vigilance which ensures that […]

25/05/2021 - 14:09 pm

Spatial awareness

Towards the end of May, Martin McVicar, managing director of Combilift took the initiative to contact members of the world’s press via a Zoom meeting to explain what his company was doing to keep production running, keep the workforce safe and help Combilift’s customers improve the efficiency and safety of their workplaces. As some of […]

10/06/2020 - 20:57 pm
News  >  Events

Combilift Forklift Safety Week 8 – 12 June 2020

9 June may be National Forklift Safety Day in the UK and North America – but Combilift is extending it to a whole week promoting a safer working environment for all those who work with, on or near forklift trucks. Since Combilift was established, a cornerstone of the company’s design philosophy has been to supply […]

10/06/2020 - 19:47 pm

New Issue

ILH March 2025

In this month's issue