Safer Work with cameras for compact machinery

Backup cameras were initially a popular option for larger machinery such as wheel loaders, dump trucks and excavators. The size of this machinery creates blind spots, which can be brought into view by cameras. Camera solutions are now becoming increasingly popular for compact machinery due to the significant safety improvements they bring to worksites. A […]

07/09/2020 - 14:00 pm

Pyroban launches Blue EX Spot for ATEX forklift trucks

Pyroban has launched Blue EX Spot, a driving path warning system for ATEX compliant lift trucks operating in Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 hazardous areas. One light covers all Zones. “Blue EX Spot is an off-the-shelf explosion proof blue spot light that can be fitted to any existing Pyroban equipment already working in the […]

29/07/2020 - 10:03 am

Reid Lifting sets new benchmark with Porta Base launch

Reid Lifting is launching Porta Base, a brand new lightweight, portable solution for safely lifting people and goods in confined spaces, and for façade and roof top maintenance. Previewed at last year’s LiftEx event in Milton Keynes where it generated a huge amount of interest, it sets what Reid are calling ‘a new benchmark’ in […]

23/06/2020 - 14:15 pm

Hyster-Yale Group announces lift truck sanitisation program to help combat risk of COVID-19 transmission

To address concerns about the introduction and spread of COVID-19 at customer workplaces, Hyster-Yale Group is introducing a virus safety initiative for lift trucks.  Developed in partnership with its nationwide dealer network for the company’s Yale and Hysterlift truck brands, HY-Shield Clean is a lift truck sanitisation program designed to help keep facility personnel safe […]

09/06/2020 - 14:09 pm
News  >  Events

Crown Equipment celebrates National Forklift Safety Day by emphasising importance of an integrated approach to safety

Crown Equipment Corporation, one of the world’s largest material handling companies, is using this month’s National Forklift Safety Day, sponsored by the Industrial Truck Association (ITA), to emphasise the importance of taking a holistic approach to safety that brings a consistent focus on safety management and stresses the important role everyone plays in a safer […]

09/06/2020 - 09:53 am
News  >  Events

LHI gets behind National Forklift Safety Day

Established in the United States in 2013 by the Industrial Truck Association (ITA), National Forklift Safety Day is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness of the safe use of forklifts and the importance of proper operator training. Last year the event was picked up in the BITA (British Industrial Truck Association) and was supported […]

09/06/2020 - 09:01 am

Genie shares protocols for cleaning and disinfecting aerial equipment

Based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Genie offers new procedures and protocols for cleaning and disinfecting aerial equipment on jobsites to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 while working at height. This information provides jobsite superintendents and fleet managers with specific precautions to take in order to keep workers […]

26/05/2020 - 14:28 pm

IPAF issues guidance to minimise virus risk

Guidance has been issued by the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) to assist those using mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), mast-climbing working platforms (MCWPs), construction lifts and hoists to work safely and minimise the risk of spreading coronavirus. The new document has been developed and reviewed by IPAF’s safety experts and members with specialist knowledge […]

12/05/2020 - 10:38 am

GGR supporting safe working on site

As construction sites across the UK begin to re-open, lifting specialist GGR Group is putting out a call to contractors and site workers, to assist with ensuring that social distancing is maintained on site. The 2m guidelines for social distancing has meant that there is increased demand for equipment that can support safe working during […]

07/05/2020 - 11:56 am

3 million autonomous miles incident-free

Seegrid has accomplished 3 million autonomous miles driven without a single personnel safety incident while supporting essential businesses through COVID-19 challenges. Seegrid, a leader in self-driving industrial vehicles for material handling, has announced that its vision guided vehicles (VGVs) reached 3 million autonomous production miles at customer sites without a single personnel safety incident. As […]

06/05/2020 - 20:03 pm

New Issue

ILH March 2025

In this month's issue