27/12/2014 - 06:00 am

Ace World Companies Grows in Port Business | Industry News

Ace World Companies continues to raise its profile in the marine industry after exhibiting at the International WorkBoat Show & Annual Conference in New Orleans, La. Ken Land, national sales manager at Ace World Companies, noted port engineers, vice presidents of ship repair yards, independent vessel owners, boat builders and representatives from port authorities were among visitors to Ace’s booth.

Overhead cranes and hoists for the shipbuilding market represent much of that activity, but Ace also offers technologies for other lifting and moving applications on ships and supplies the industry with transfer cars. Land said that the many of the products it provides to the industry is for custom-made, specific lifting operations.

“Typical loads include vessels and metal used in boat-building processes but the marine sector offers huge variety in demand. Our transfer cars are used to launch boats into the water, for example,” he added.

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ILH September 2024

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