Award from Bonfiglioli for the Best Thesis
Once again Bonfiglioli has reaffirmed its commitment to honour young graduates and promoters’ projects in the field of mechatronic systems as part of the Comitato Leonardo Committee – Bonfiglioli’s ninth consecutive year.
In particular, as part of the initiative, the company will award the “Clementino Bonfiglioli Award” to the most innovative thesis on “The Development of Digital Solutions to Improve Product Offerings and Control of Manufacturing Processes Relating to Mechatronic Power Transmission Systems for Industrial Applications,” providing a six-month paid internship in one of the group’s offices.
The award offered by Bonfiglioli, together with the awards made available by other promoting companies associated with the Leonardo Committee, have, over the years, contributed to supporting hundreds of young graduates and scholars from many universities throughout Italy.
The purpose of the Clementino Bonfiglioli Award is to support the research activity of students who have developed a thesis on the subject of the sensing and monitoring of mechatronic, electrical and electronic systems in transmission and motion systems for applications in different sectors of industrial automation, construction machinery, machines and wind turbine drives, with the aim of acquiring data and information useful for optimizing the relative production processes.
Evaluation criteria will include: clarification of the development and objective of the thesis, applicability of the solutions proposed at a practical level, scientific interest and originality of the subject dealt with and effectiveness of the results presented.
Luisa Todini, president of the Leonardo Committee said, “In increasingly global, competitive and technologically advanced markets, companies today are required to make a greater effort characterised by constant investment in technological innovation, but above all in skills and training. A commitment that should not only be of interest to entrepreneurs but also to universities that prepare young people to enter the world of work.
“Focusing on specific training paths combined with digital and creative skills, to which our children are already naturally predisposed, is the winning key for global challenges. With the Leonardo Committee’s Degree Awards, we have been supporting brilliant, prepared young people for 22 years, consolidating a dialogue between business and work” adds Todini.