27/04/2012 - 04:00 am

HAWE Adds CAN-IO14 Control Unit to Mobile Equipment Lineup

HAWE Hydraulics, Charlotte, N.C., has released of the CAN-IO14 control unit. The unit has four proportional outputs and four pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputs, all of which can also be configured as inputs. These output ports combined with six analog inputs, which have ranges between 0–10 V and 4–20 mA, mean the CAN-IO14 introduces unprecedented flexibility to HAWE’s hydraulic systems used in the worldwide mobile-construction equipment market.

“The CAN-IO14 presents an infinite number of programmable options,” says Dave LeSuer, electrical controls engineer for HAWE Hydraulics. “Using this little device will simplify wiring and decentralize control of all components.”

When used as a slave to enhance HAWE’s programmable-logic valve control PLVC, functioning as both peripheral input and output nodes, it receives commands from the controller via the CAN bus and sends back real-time data. This reduces the wiring necessary to control distributed valve banks.

If all the outputs are configured as inputs, the CAN-IO14 becomes a dedicated input node. For example, in applications with multiple sensors for load limiting or leveling, temperature, machine condition, and safety  it can convert analog and digital  signals to CAN messages for use in conjunction with HAWE’s proportional directional spool valves, PSL CAN, and other devices on the CAN network. This is where the flexibility of its programming is best put to use.

The tiny device is only 60 × 60 × 30 mm and is IP67 rated. It is designed for a temperature range from -40°F to 185°F for mounting on equipment used in harsh outdoor environments and still function without concern.

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