06/06/2006 - 05:00 am

Hirschmann Restructures Retrofit Business

PAT GmbH, a subsidiary of the Hirschmann Group that represents the company's electronic control systems division, recently restructured its retrofit business. This business and associated services will now be run exclusively through the company's international dealer network, coordinated by the head office in Ettlingen, Germany.

Since the beginning of May 2006, direct customers in Germany have been taken care of by PAT-Kroger Systems GmbH (Essen), the German branch of the Dutch dealer, PAT-Kroger Systems B.V. (s-Hertogenbosch).

"By doing this, the indirect sales concept for retrofit is implemented completely all over the world,“ said PAT's CEO Laurence Burns.“The experiences that we have had with this concept have only been positive. Because our long-term partners have extensive expertise and a direct line to the customers.“

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