26/04/2022 - 13:57 pm

Kito commits to reducing carbon-footprint

At the beginning of April, Industrial hoist and crane maker Kito Corporation  switched 50% of the energy used in its Yamanashi main plant – the production centre – to essentially carbon-free sources.

With this shift the company projects a reduction in carbon-dioxide emissions from plant operations by about 4382t per year.

Kito is promoting initiatives to achieve its goal of halving its CO2 emissions (domestic Scopes 1 and 2) relative to its fiscal 2019 level by 2026, under an environmental policy designed to support a prosperous, sustainable society where people live in harmony with the earth.

Through products that excel in safety and durability, as well as clean, no-waste processes for producing and distributing them, Kito makes workplaces safer for all industries, reduces environmental impact and contributes to society in many ways.




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ILH Jan/Feb 2025

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