09/06/2020 - 09:01 am
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LHI gets behind National Forklift Safety Day

Established in the United States in 2013 by the Industrial Truck Association (ITA), National Forklift Safety Day is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness of the safe use of forklifts and the importance of proper operator training.

Last year the event was picked up in the BITA (British Industrial Truck Association) and was supported by the UK’s HSE (Health and Safety Executive).

Today – 9 June – LHI is getting behind the initiative by reporting on what the industry is doing to promote safety to its customers and forklift users worldwide.

The impact of COVID-19 means that this year ITA’s National Forklift Safety Day Conference  will be held as a virtual event at 9:00am US east coast time.

NFSD 2020 is open to everyone and the  video of speakers and presentations will be available for viewing on by visiting ITA’s web site (www.indtrk.org). The format will remain the same with presentations from government representatives, safety experts and industry representatives.

BITA’s key message for 2020 is that Management is responsible for segregating pedestrians from Materials Handling equipment. This is best achieved by physical barriers, but the importance of traffic planning, route marking and effective information delivery is also emphasised.

Have a great National Forklift Safety Day.

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ILH Nov/Dec 2025

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