24/04/2006 - 05:00 am

NER Launches Insurance Agency Partner Program

New York-based National Equipment Register (NER) recently launched its Agency Partner Program to help insurance agencies provide an additional risk management tool to clients with construction or farm equipment. Insurance agents that place construction and farm equipment risks with NER member insurers (listed on www.NERusa.com/Our_Clients.asp) may register equipment on NER's national ownership database at discounts usually only available to large equipment fleets.

“Millions of machines have already been registered with NER by larger fleets, and this program is a way for smaller fleets to benefit from the same savings through their insurance agent,” said David Shillingford, president of NER. “A Partner Agency's clients will benefit from improved loss and recovery rates as well as discounts from certain underwriters. The agency will benefit from a program that can be used to attract and keep clients.”

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