12/08/2020 - 17:13 pm
News  >  Awards

Stevenson Crane Service celebrated for safety excellence.

In the US the Northwest Indiana Business Round Table (NWIBRT)), a nonprofit council of Northwest Indiana firms, announced that Stevenson Crane Service (SCS) had displayed exemplary performance in safety during the 2019 calendar year, exceeding national and regional averages.

SCS is a family-owned-and-operated business that has served the lifting needs of industrial, mechanical, manufacturing, construction and other industries for more than 31 years.

To celebrate the accomplishment, NWIBRT presented the company with a Safety Excellence award during a small ceremony. Normally, the association would hold a banquet with up to 700 guests, but in the interest of safety, which is NWIBRT’s mission,  this year’s awards ceremony was kept to a minimum size.

Ted Larkin, corporate safety director with SCS said, “NWIBRT’s recognition means a great deal to our teams. Each day, whether we’re lifting something small or something truly gigantic, we work very hard to protect all of the people working on our projects.”

Don Bull, NWIBRT executive committee chairman, said, “We are truly proud to celebrate our region’s top performers. We salute and celebrate all of their hard work in keeping NWI construction as safe as it can possibly be.”

Winning companies were selected based on their accident and injury rates for 2019, which includes a company’s Days Away from Work (DAFW), Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred Rate (DART), and Total Recordable Incidence Rate (TRIR). In order to receive an Excellence Award, the company had to achieve safety ratings that were lower than national industry averages and lower than NWI regional contractor community’s average for at least the last three years.

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