20/12/2023 - 13:33 pm

Sustainable new head office for Riwal

After seven years at their current office location at the Wilgenbos in Dordrecht, Netherlands, Riwal is moving their head office within Dordrecht. As of 1 January, the company’s HQ is relocated into a fully sustainable working environment at Galvanistraat 35.

The new office is an existing building, intensively refurbished to energy label A+++. From 2024 on, Riwal’s head office is next to the office building and workshop of its Benelux operations, enhancing internal synergy between HQ-employees and the local teams.

The use of fossil fuels for heating and warm water is eliminated with this gas-free location, served by the latest version of electricity driven heating and cooling. To compensate for the electricity consumption, Riwal has installed three solar panel installations with a total capacity of 381.000Wp. The total saving on Co2 emission per year is approximately 157.380kg. By investing in solar energy, also serving to charge Riwal’s electric cars and equipment, the company can deliver fully sustainable services to its customers: an electric machine charged with green energy.

Pedro Torres, CEO Riwal Holding Group, said, “Moving our office fits many of our company’s goals. This renovated building is a step up in our sustainability level, obviously very important as one of our core values. And it means taking a new step in offering a great place to work: from now on, our HQ is next to our Dutch operations, making it easier for teams to connect and intertwine.”

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ILH Nov/Dec 2025

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