26/10/2022 - 13:37 pm
News  >  Awards

Triathlon wins award with new battery technology

Triathalon’s new Quasar enhanced lead acid battery was a winner at the UKMHA Awards for Excellence, collecting the Archie for Innovation Ancillary Product.

What impressed the jury was the game-changing carbon nanotube technology that delivers longer run-times, longer cycle-life and faster recharge times than its rivals.

The Quasar can operate in extreme outdoor temperatures – making it suitable for diesel replacement. It supports rapid opportunity-charging – with no damage to the battery – for non-stop performance.  Quasar offers 25% greater run-time than traditional lead acid batteries – typically adding an extra shift. Recharge times are cut by 50% reducing running and capital investment costs. High energy density eliminates power collapse on slopes and heavy-duty cycles. Quasar actually cools during charge and when working – preventing the heat build-up that destroys conventional batteries.

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ILH Jan/Feb 2025

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