Moving forward

Ross Moloney, CEO at the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), looks forward to the Association’s 80th year in 2024, which heralds the start of an exciting new era. An immensely successful LiftEx and the LEEA Awards in Liverpool came towards the end of a busy 2023. As LEEA enters into its 80th year in 2024, […]

23/01/2024 - 17:16 pm

Company college

In the first of a two-part article, Doug Stitt, president and CEO at The Caldwell Group Inc, urges industry to take an educational approach to preparing a business for success in the new world. We start on the factory floor. The US, especially, could be better at implementing industrial policy and providing support when it […]

09/01/2024 - 15:25 pm

Forward thinking

The electric overhead travelling crane industry, like the steel sector, must clean up its act when it comes to sustainability, says Joel Cox. Component suppliers can offer a unique and valuable perspective. They get to work in the many different sectors where the products they sell or services they provide are applied. In the morning, […]

21/11/2023 - 16:33 pm

Lifting inspectors can be heroes  

Ross Moloney, CEO of Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), on what makes being a Lifting Inspector a heroic occupation to which the Lifting Equipment Technician apprenticeship opens the door. Lifting Inspectors are in demand wherever lifting equipment is used. This globally recognised occupation is certainly a fulfilling role in anything from manufacturing, logistics, ports and […]

07/11/2023 - 16:38 pm

Building bridges

We’ve got to get better at promoting our industry’s unique selling points, says Steve Napieralski, president at Oz Lifting. We share much in common with other industries, but we should focus more on what sets us apart. Lifting is different – better, even -than many sectors despite the fact that it continues to stay under […]

26/09/2023 - 14:15 pm

How to find your perfect lifting partner

Ross Moloney, CEO of Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), on the importance of finding your perfect lifting partner – one on which you can rely, have assurance that they will deliver and, above all, be safe. Successful partnerships move the world forward and nowhere more so than in engineering. Just look at aircraft from Concorde […]

15/08/2023 - 16:58 pm

Rowing the Boat

The best leaders can keep people heading in the same direction, even when the tide turns, but finding them isn’t easy, says Doug Stitt, president and CEO at The Caldwell Group Inc.   ‘Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream…’ The trouble is, happily rowing down gentle streams ain’t business. It is sometimes, […]

01/08/2023 - 16:49 pm

Lifting is a people business

Ross Moloney, CEO of Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), is encouraged by how our industry is coming together to address the skills shortage challenge. A list of ingredients is stirring up a skills shortage stew that is exerting a considerable toll on organisations around the world. In the UK, for example, the Recruitment & Employment […]

18/07/2023 - 15:10 pm

Can you do the Robot?

There remains a place for individuals to shine, even in the new world, and especially in the lifting industry, says Joel Cox, in his final column before #GLAD2023.   Things are markedly different to when Dancing Machine was released by the Jackson 5 in 1974. The quintet made famous the robot-style dance, which they performed […]

04/07/2023 - 15:21 pm

Open for success

Cherry’s Industrial Equipment CEO John Costello offered ‘Strategies to Succeed in a Changing Economy’ at the Schaumburg Business Association meeting. John Costello, the  chief executive officer of Cherry’s Industrial Equipment was recently invited to address a group of business owners at a Schaumburg Business Association meeting on the topic ‘Strategies to Succeed in a Changing […]

26/06/2023 - 16:42 pm

New Issue

ILH September 2024

In this month's issue