Glad to be raising awareness through social media  

Ross Moloney, CEO of The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) encourages the lifting industry to shout out from the laptops about our vital sector.   Some industries are essential and commonplace yet, despite existing in plain sight, there is little or no perception of them among the wider world. The Lifting Sector is a good […]

05/03/2021 - 13:09 pm

Train Like a Champion

Training, especially on heavy-duty brakes and components, is now more important than ever, says Joel Cox, president at Pintsch Bubenzer USA.   I know that Ross Moloney, CEO, Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), based a column in this magazine recently on a quote from a heavyweight boxer, but I want to share another one that’s […]

05/03/2021 - 13:06 pm

Is the flash on?

Operating in the blind is problematic—anywhere. That’s the view of Chris Machut, CEO at crane camera company Netarus LLC.   As I wrote in a recent blog for my company’s new thought leadership platform (I repeated the message in our podcast too), cameras are not only tower crane products. I also debunked another misnomer that […]

21/01/2021 - 15:23 pm

The International language of lifting

Ross Moloney, LEEA CEO, on the emergence of more agile, efficient, international and ultimately supportive organisations in 2021.   There’s a lot of talk about the future of work post Covid restrictions: will there be more people working from their home offices? How will we be connecting with the rest of the world? The pandemic […]

21/01/2021 - 15:07 pm

The Class of 2020

We can waste a lot of time worrying about, and planning for things we can’t control, says Doug Stitt, the president and CEO at The Caldwell Group Inc.   Don’t let 2020 go to waste. This is our year. I’m serious. A long time ago I was a pre-med student at university, before I eventually […]

02/12/2020 - 12:53 pm

Are you ready for Brexit?  

It is essential that operations in the lifting industry stay on top of Brexit developments, says Ross Moloney, CEO of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA). In a year completely dominated by Covid-19, it is easy to forget how all-consuming Brexit was during 2019… that is until recently, as the Free Trade Agreement talks draw […]

30/11/2020 - 18:37 pm

Out of the darkness there is light.

With the global events of 2020, Sarah Spivey, managing director of Modulift, reflects on how the business quickly adapted to the changes and how its strategy is clear going forward. As February turned to March, we all became aware of the global pandemic that is COVID-19.   As the warmer weather started to appear, our minds […]

13/10/2020 - 12:21 pm

Safety Storm

Preventing accidents where cranes are exposed to the elements, particularly wind, is an ongoing battle for multiple industries, says Joel Cox, president at Pintsch Bubenzer USA.   I wrote in this column last year about how, as machines get bigger, the more important their components and safety systems become, and I stressed the need for […]

06/10/2020 - 14:34 pm

Shaping a new future

Ross Moloney, CEO of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), describes how the world’s leading lifting association tackled the adversity posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and is shaping the way it supports its members going forward.   Not since the ‘financial crash’ of 2007 have events changed plans the way that we have seen this […]

06/10/2020 - 14:29 pm

Fortune Telling

Forecasting is an essential function for businesses of all sizes. The process brings value to organisations as it identifies key drivers that lead to better financial results.   We’ll inevitably come to exploring business forecasting in the COVID-19 era, but first let’s look at this important, yet often overlooked, subject more generally. In my career, […]

03/09/2020 - 09:11 am

New Issue

ILH September 2024

In this month's issue