12/04/2022 - 14:32 pm

Ask an expert  

It’s time to start seeking experts again, says Ross Moloney, CEO of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA).

During the lockdowns I resorted to domestic haircuts, in common I suspect with many others. An uneven fringe is a small inconvenience during a period when access to many of the usual services we took for granted was denied or made prohibitively awkward. I even know of people who performed their own dentistry, which went a little further down the self-sufficiency route than I would be prepared to go. Nevertheless, these are examples of how we made do the best we could – which I’m sure we’ll be endlessly telling our grandchildren.

Now, I am well aware of what my capabilities are. I also know there are many things that I can’t, or never will, do well such as cutting my hair, investigating a cavity, or even repairing my car. And as normality resumes, I am more than happy to revert to asking an expert to do these things.

Making do equates to greater risks when it comes to finding services in the lifting Industry. Businesses hit hard during lockdowns would do what they could to maintain continuity of services. This of course means swimming in hazardous waters, where the unwary could easily be offered a service that might seemingly be a convenient solution on the surface, but if not underwritten by expertise, could risk potential disaster. With restrictions ending and businesses up and running again, we now need to get back to seeking out experts again.

Experts offer value beyond the service fee – for example the ability to create solutions you might never think about, seeing the long-term implications of a project, saving time effort and money through safe and efficient practice. This is what operators can do if they have years of experience and have invested in developing their expertise in addition to assiduously adhering to high standards and quality in their field.

Carrying a LEEA badge is good way to easily identify an expert: the Association’s membership comprises expertise in every aspect of the lifting Industry – from design, manufacture, refurbishment and repair, through to the hire, maintenance and use of lifting equipment for an entire spectrum of end users. They serve any sector where lifting is involved – whether it is lifting on oil rigs, windmill farms, at ports, in factories and warehouses, nuclear plants or even non-industrial areas such as entertainment venues and hospitals.

Members themselves can benefit from the expertise of the LEEA team through our Technical Triage service, making guidance more meaningful and effective, helping members to remain compliant, to manage risk, to maintain best practice and ultimately to enhance their know-how. Access to this expertise has been made substantially easier thanks to the Association’s investment in new technology and multilingual delivery. With stakeholders, policy makers and governments seeking out  advice from LEEA as the recognised industry expert, the Association aspires to have even greater influence and recognition as the authoritative body across the globe.

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