24/05/2022 - 12:53 pm

GLAD2022 – it’s all about the industry

Ross Moloney, CEO of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), looks forward to #GLAD2022, when the Lifting Industry will unite to broadcast its value.


The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) and its members are proud to support Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD), which this year will take place on 7 July 2022. #GLAD2022 will mark a coming of age for the event with the lifting industry reaching out to a broad coalition of end user sectors by uniting to share material promoting safe and high standards of load lifting.

Anyone with an interest in lifting and working at height can contribute. Participating can be as easy as using the hashtag #GLAD2022 across social media platforms such as of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikToK, adding the GLAD2022 logo to email signatures, all the way through to producing unique content.

To be truly successful the event will require as many individuals and companies as possible to get involved. With this in mind, a new dedicated website for #GLAD2022 is now live at globalliftingawarenessday.com.

The site provides a hub for the latest news, updates, videos and downloads around the big day and lists the partners supporting the event. Organisations and individuals can share any content they are producing or events they are hosting on the 7 July, and they will be added to the website.

Now in its third year, GLAD has so far taken place only during the Covid period. This turbulent time for many businesses saw the event being driven by LEEA, supported and helped by partners. The aim for GLAD in 2022 is very much to expand its scope – with many more organisations and people from around the world getting involved. The messages promoted by GLAD, such as excellence, safety, recruitment, inspiration are common throughout industry. And given how vital each of these issues is, it makes sense for discussions to take place between multiple sectors throughout industry. So for #GLAD2022, there will be a loose coalition of organisations and trade associations that all share an interest in height safety, drop prevention and lifting.

These include Material Handling & Logistics Industry (MHI), Erkende Keurbedrijven Hijs & Hefmiddelen (EKH), the International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA), Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH), National Rigging Advisory Group, UK Warehousing Association (UKWA), Lift and Escalator Industry Association (LEIA), Association of British Mining Companies (ABMEC), the Energy Industries Council and the Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme (DROPS).

There will be a series of one-to-one discussions with the Chief Executives of these stakeholder organisations. Add to this LEEA’s continuing active involvement as well as many other organisations expressing an interest to take part, and it is easy to see how #GLAD2022 is set to spread the Lifting Industry to a far broader world.

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