Braking News

More end users of overhead cranes, particularly in the steel sector, are installing emergency brakes – but it’s been a long time coming, says Joel Cox, managing director of sales for Dellner Bubenzer USA.   We recently received an order to fit emergency brakes on two 400USt capacity hot metal ladle cranes at Nucor Corporation’s […]

15/03/2022 - 16:48 pm

Perfect Storm

As supply chains continue to bottleneck, the pandemic endures, yet business booms, there really hasn’t been another period like it, says Steve Napieralski, president at Oz Lifting. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch […]

15/02/2022 - 12:45 pm

Another decimal point

How can we stage a long-term, sustained recovery after two lightning strikes? Doug Stitt, president and CEO at The Caldwell Group Inc, went looking for the answers.   Someone once suggested to me, that if we don’t know where we’ve come from, we won’t know where to go. I guess there’s something in that. So, […]

01/12/2021 - 15:56 pm

Reporting live from the coalface

We’re failing to properly train the next generation of crane technicians, even in heavy industrial sectors, warns Joel Cox. I was talking to a mining market manager from one of the world’s major electric overhead travelling (EOT) crane and hoist manufacturers at the recent MINExpo International, which took place 13-15 September in Las Vegas. The […]

26/10/2021 - 13:10 pm

The cut of one’s jib

As we continue to innovate as an industry, we can’t forget to present only the right tool for the job at hand, says Steve Napieralski, president at Oz Lifting. The good news is that, as the lifting industry has innovated, supply chain representatives and end users have realised that such ingenuity leads to productivity and […]

08/09/2021 - 12:04 pm

Reality Check

We’ve got to accept that the current economic climate will endure and price alterations are just one necessity, says Doug Stitt, president and CEO, The Caldwell Group Inc.   I’ve been asked a lot recently how business is post pandemic, but it’s naive to suggest that we can only see Covid in our rear-view mirrors. […]

22/07/2021 - 07:41 am

Industry’s Lift Plan

As we raise the profile of our industry, we must continue to elevate safety standards, says Joel Cox. Last year I gave the inaugural Global Lifting Awareness Day my full support and, once again, I will join my colleagues and wider industry in raising the profile of the crane, hoist and rigging sector when #GLAD2021 […]

22/06/2021 - 14:25 pm

Success by association

You can’t have too many friends in high places, says Steve Napieralski, president at Oz Lifting. But you have to choose your memberships carefully, he warns. Most people are familiar with trade shows: the large convention centres, happy hours for mingling, and many hours exchanging handshakes (now elbow bumps) and business cards, but others are […]

27/04/2021 - 13:40 pm

Train Like a Champion

Training, especially on heavy-duty brakes and components, is now more important than ever, says Joel Cox, president at Pintsch Bubenzer USA.   I know that Ross Moloney, CEO, Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), based a column in this magazine recently on a quote from a heavyweight boxer, but I want to share another one that’s […]

05/03/2021 - 13:06 pm

Is the flash on?

Operating in the blind is problematic—anywhere. That’s the view of Chris Machut, CEO at crane camera company Netarus LLC.   As I wrote in a recent blog for my company’s new thought leadership platform (I repeated the message in our podcast too), cameras are not only tower crane products. I also debunked another misnomer that […]

21/01/2021 - 15:23 pm

New Issue

ILH September 2024

In this month's issue