21/11/2023 - 15:41 pm
Products  >  Hoist

Liftket to launch new single phase hoist

Liftket revealed it is developing a new single phase hoist at the LiftEx trade show.

The German hoist manufacturer will launch the Star 1 in February next year, in order to meet demand particularly from UK and US customers.

Barry Williams, director of Liftket UK, said: “We already offer single phase at 230 volts but we know there is significant demand for 110V. For example, in the UK hire sector they like a hoist that can simply plug into a 5KVA transformer.

“The Star 1 offers both 230 and 110V, which gives it more versatility and that is another tick in the box for the hire and rental market as it’s the best of both worlds in one unit.

“Liftket is very strong in the industrial sector and we’ve been getting an incredible amount of enquiries for a 110V version so we know there is an appetite for the product already. The first batch is in production and we are expecting them to arrive soon.”

Liftket UK covers the Irish and UK markets. It is one of a growing number of subsidiaries for the company, including divisions in France, the Iberian Peninsula, North America, and India.

Ulrika Veit, marketing and communications manager for Liftket, said: “The new divisions are part of our strategy to further grow our presence. We believe that the direct sales model offers more benefits for our customers than working with distributors and agents. If you want to offer the best products and services you need your own facilities in those locations.”

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