30/03/2020 - 20:48 pm

Automate inspections

A leading UK provider of inspection solutions for the lifting and hoist industries, CoreRFID, has delivered an automated system for one a large lifting equipment supplier based in Nottinghamshire, UK.

CoreRFID has customised its software solutionCheckedOK for Catena’s business processes.

Catena purchased the entire suite of CheckedOK modules, which records results of inspections from engineers working remotely and in its specially equipped workshop. The data is entered through tablets and is immediately sent to a secure hosted database. Reports and certification are then available to users via a web browser. It also assists authorised users to meet LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) and PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) industry regulations.

CoreRFID supplied tailored features including ‘Global Pool of Jobs’ which enables engineers to access outstanding work and ‘Document Retrieval’ which cuts out the need to call or e-mail for documents which can now be downloaded onsite. A third feature is the ‘Invoice Indicator’ which enables the finance team to confirm chargeable work has been invoiced.

Catena supplies a range of lifting equipment and provides on-site and in-house inspections to ensure compliance with LOLER regulations.  In addition it offers proof load testing services tailored to specific industry requirements.

CheckedOK is an RFID inspection system for the cranes and lifting industries in the UK, Ireland and worldwide. Since its launch in 2009, it has gone through a series of improvements to meet regulatory and operational changes facing clients. It has to date generated reports and certification documents for the 95,000 firms its clients service.

Catena’s owner Matthew O’Mara says, “We appreciated the benefits of mobile working solutions for capturing data electronically for inspectors and engineers on-site. However, our first attempt at finding a system which fitted with our own operations proved problematic and we switched back to a manual system.

“CheckedOK was customised to our exact needs. It’s stripping vast amount of paperwork from our operations and improving the way we work. We believe it will make a big difference to our efficiency, customer service and in turn bottom line.”

CoreRFID’s technical director Munzi Ali says, “Firms need inspection solutions, which adapt to their needs now and as their requirements change. CheckedOK is designed to grow with the client’s operations.”

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