10/05/2022 - 17:22 pm

Jaso contributes to paper mill modernisation

Jaso Industrial Cranes, through its distributor Fives, participated in modernising the paper mill that Canadian company Domtar has in Windsor (Quebec).

Domtar is one of the leading companies in the pulp and paper industry in Canada and the US, and has paper mills and offices distributed throughout North America. Specifically, the factory in Windsor required an upgrade on three different cranes, and Jaso provided new hoists.

Although these were not originally Jaso cranes, the company’s tailored solutions resulted in a significant upgrade of the cranes.

The project required the replacement of the 60t main hoisting unit and of two 32.5t auxiliary hoisting units. The whole electrical installation needed modernisation including the supply of a whole new electrical cabinet made of stainless steel and equipped with air conditioning. Due to height restrictions, the cabinet was custom-made in a size that was smaller than usual. In addition, interior insulation was applied to prevent water condensation in a 100% humidity environment. The CSA needed to approve of the electrical installation so the electrical engineering was done in collaboration with Fives in order to deliver CSA-ready equipment

All travel wheel bearings were replaced and a radio remote control added.

The factory acceptance tests were carried out at the Jaso plant and Jaso was responsible for on-site installation, load tests, commissioning and training of the operators.

To comply with Domtar’s high ergonomic standards, there needed to be access to all maintenance items from the crane platform.

Jaso says that the modernisation has provided the Domtar paper mill with a technological breakthrough.

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ILH Nov/Dec 2025

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