RSS provides rigging equipment for major railway project

Rope and Sling Specialists Ltd. (RSS) has provided rigging equipment for use below-the-hook of a Liebherr mobile crane, as the UK’s Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU) West project continues. TRU is a major, multi-billion-pound programme of railway improvements; it will bring better journeys to passengers travelling across the Pennines between Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds, and York. The […]

13/03/2025 - 12:31 pm

Capstan winch tests for UK naval base.

Newcastle, UK-based industrial lifting and testing company, Lift-Rite Engineering Services, has developed a client specific, bespoke solution for the testing of capstan winches following their installation at a UK naval base. The capstan winches, which will be used to support the mooring of naval vessels at the naval base, require extensive testing of both foundations […]

08/01/2025 - 08:02 am

Safer, faster and more cost-efficient wind turbine blade replacement

The wind energy market demands constant innovation from its supply chain, as Crosby Airpes’s craneless wind turbine rotor blade exchange system proves.   As wind farm operators meet unprecedented demand for new turbines, they must also maintain installed towers, nacelles, and other components. Central to that work is the removal and replacement of rotor blades, […]

24/05/2022 - 12:18 pm

Caldwell manufactures transportation frame for cryomodules

The Caldwell Group Inc has customised a lifting frame that will eventually be used during transatlantic transportation of cryomodules, likely during the summer of 2022. The 35.76ft (10.9m) long by 7.2ft (2.2m) wide by 7.7ft (2.35m) high steel frame, provided by Caldwell’s Illinois, USA-based distributor John Sakash Company, weighs 12,787lb unloaded and 40,345lb loaded. Cryomodules […]

07/01/2022 - 11:03 am

RSS RFID tracks lifting gear at multi-site project

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tracks every item of Rope and Sling Specialists Ltd’s (RSS) equipment at a sprawling, seven-site project in London, UK. RSS has stocked lifting and rigging equipment stores at each of the locations – and every shackle, hook, sling, and harness is fitted with a tag that can be read by a smart […]

10/12/2021 - 14:46 pm

Crosby helps kids take flight

Uprise Circus provides underprivileged children with the opportunity to gain confidence and personal development via the arts. The centrepiece of its site is a trapeze, which had become dated and needed replacing. The Crosby Group supplied over 70 shackles plus eye bolts and thimbles, as the social circus modernised the facility. Liz Taylor, vice president […]

31/08/2021 - 11:20 am

Rope and Sling at waste-to-energy site

Rope and Sling Specialists Ltd (RSS) has been delivering spreader beams, slings, shackles, and related Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) inspections to the project for almost a year, as work at the undisclosed site continues. Ron Harrison, regional manager, Rotherham (UK) depot at RSS, says, “We provide the lifting gear, and they […]

17/08/2021 - 12:19 pm

Caldwell lifter for turf mats

Kentuckiana Wire Rope and Supply, a regional branch of Fulcrum Lifting, has supplied a 1USt capacity custom Caldwell lifter for handling rubber turf mats. Fulcrum, a distributor of the full range of Caldwell products, delivered the 48 x 96in pallet to a utilities contractor that places the mats down on turf so plant and machinery […]

22/05/2021 - 09:07 am

Caldwell beam lifts rebar cages on overpass project

The Caldwell Group Inc supplied a custom 75ft long, 50,000lb capacity beam for lifting 60 rebar cages at a highway project in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The two-piece beam is currently being used beneath the hook of a 275USt capacity Grove mobile crane to lift the large pier cap rebar cages, as required for concrete reinforcement during […]

02/06/2020 - 10:59 am

New Issue

ILH March 2025

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