Charging ahead

With more and more forklift truck users opting for electric-power over IC-engine driven machines when the time comes to replace or upgrade their materials handling equipment fleet, the coming years are expected to bring a clear shift away from diesel and LPG towards electric forklifts. Indeed, Toyota Material Handling expect the UK market for electric […]

01/12/2021 - 16:58 pm

Elevating service performance 

A forklift truck is a vital tool, and significant investment, that should be regularly maintained and productively managed across the whole life of a truck. Ross Farquhar, Strategic Planning Manager at Rushlift asks how many businesses fall short? How important to your business is your forklift truck fleet? Across a broad swathe of industrial and […]

01/09/2020 - 12:15 pm

Spatial awareness

Towards the end of May, Martin McVicar, managing director of Combilift took the initiative to contact members of the world’s press via a Zoom meeting to explain what his company was doing to keep production running, keep the workforce safe and help Combilift’s customers improve the efficiency and safety of their workplaces. As some of […]

10/06/2020 - 20:57 pm

New Issue

ILH September 2024

In this month's issue