Raising our recruitment game

One of the biggest challenges in our sector remains bringing in new blood – how do we successfully attract, recruit, and retain the skilled people who will be the future of our industry? Dan Jenkins reports on how the LEEA is rising to this challenge. ACROSS the world, almost all directors and managers of lifting […]

20/07/2021 - 13:18 pm

Accelerate the brake business

Joel Cox president of Pintsch Bubenzer talks to Maria Hadlow about his passion for the industry and excitement about progressing the braking technology and the business. Joel Cox president of Pintsch Bubenzer USA could be said to have cranes in his bloodline – his grandfather was a crane operator, his father was heavily involved in […]

08/07/2021 - 09:03 am

Dynamic care  

David Wilson, the CEO of Columbus McKinnon, talks to Maria Hadlow about building a progressive company by putting customers at the core of the business and helping improve their safety, productivity and uptime. “I love thinking through multi-dimensional problems,” says David Wilson CEO of Columbus McKinnon, “I am a fairly analytical person and have a […]

08/07/2021 - 08:58 am

Passion for a safe reality

Jim Colvin, CEO of Serious Labs, talks to Maria Hadlow about a passion for training, safety and leveraging virtual reality simulation to create training solutions for today and the future.  If you have been fortunate enough to meet Jim Colvin or seen him give a presentation at a conference or exhibition, you will be unusual […]

08/07/2021 - 08:51 am

Street’s ahead

Born out of a bombed‐out post war industrial landscape and currently riding‐out a world‐wide pandemic, as they turn 75, Street Crane share how a market driven approach adopted by their founder still inspires the company culture today and propels it forwards. In 1946, when Peter R Street returned from the Second World War after flying […]

06/07/2021 - 16:32 pm

Accelerate the brake business

Joel Cox president of Pintsch Bubenzer talks to Maria Hadlow about his passion for the industry and excitement about progressing the braking technology and the business. Joel Cox president of Pintsch Bubenzer USA could be said to have cranes in his bloodline – his grandfather was a crane operator, his father was heavily involved in […]

13/04/2021 - 14:27 pm

Along came the spiders

After years of being niche products, tracked booms have gone mainstream. Dan Jenkins looks at some of the current drivers for adoption and product development trends. The tracked boom has become an integral part of access rental fleets, thanks to its unique, problem-solving properties. Low ground pressure, a compact frame, and impressive working envelopes make […]

18/01/2021 - 22:01 pm

A light touch

Maria Hadlow talks to some of the manufacturers of lightweight and mobile crane systems about how these flexible liftng solutions are delivering real benefits in testing times.   Nothing focuses the mind quite like a global pandemic and many companies have realised quite how vital it is to be flexible in their manufacturing facilities, warehousing, […]

24/11/2020 - 14:47 pm

Getting rental right

Rental accounts for around four in every five aerial lift sales worldwide. Dan Jenkins examines how equipment manufacturers are addressing such an important market – and explores how rental companies are adapting their fleet mix to meet changing customer needs. Globally, the MEWP rental fleet hit a major milestone last year when it reached 1.5 […]

10/11/2020 - 14:49 pm

New Issue

ILH Nov/Dec 2025

In this month's issue